Monday, April 1, 2013

Annoying malware solution (

The malware ( has troubled me for quite few days, until I happened to find the solution to this on google. This malware kept redirecting all my links on sites to, so I turned to using Chrome, than Firefox. (Firefox is my personal favourite.) Apparently, Youtube Downloader plugin was causing the issues.i removed the plugin, and firefox worked perfectly for me, and I am glad to be able to use Firefox again. I had to repost this, in case anyone is facing the issue. Please refer to this blog for reference.


CCT said...

Thanks a lot. It troubled me too.

CCT said...
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AZ-Boekingen said...

I had problems with this issue since yesterday. I just removed the plugin and I hope this wil help. Thanks for your blog and I will come back if everything keeps normal from now on.